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At MedservRegis we place great importance on responsible corporate governance. Although we acknowledge that the Code of Good Corporate Governance does not dictate or prescribe mandatory rules but recommends principles of good practice, the directors strongly believe that such practices are in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders.

We believe that compliance with principles of good corporate governance is not only expected by investors but also evidences the directors’ and the Company’s commitment to a high standard of governance.

The Company’s latest corporate governance statement may be found in the ‘Directors’ statement of Compliance with the Code of Principles of Good Corporate Governance’ section of their Annual Report.

Company Secretary: Dr. Laragh Cassar

The Board delegates specific responsibilities to the Audit Committee, the Remuneration Committee and the Financial Risk Committee.

Audit Committee
Keith Grunow (Chairman)
Monica Vilabril
Dr. Laragh Cassar


Remuneration Committee
Keith Grunow (Chairman)
Monica Vilabril
Dr. Laragh Cassar


Financial Risk Committee
Olivier Bernard (Chairman)
Carmelo sive Karl Bartolo
Alessandro Roca
Silvio Camilleri
Salman Manjoo


The Executive management of MedservRegis plc is composed of the following:

Executive Management Role
Mr David O’Connor Chief Executive Officer
Mr Carmelo sive Karl Bartolo Deputy CEO for Business and Operations
Mr Olivier Bernard Deputy CEO for Finance, Administration, Investment and Trading
Mr Alessandro Roca Group Finance Director
Mr Silvio Camilleri Chief Financial Officer
Mr Edward Farrugia Chief Information Officer
Mr George Douglas Chief Health, Safety, Security, Environmental and Quality Officer
Ms Linda De Beer Chief HR Officer


The statutory auditors of the Company are PricewaterhouseCoopers.