Medserv Plc has announced that the board of directors has approved and is in the process of implementing a management restructuring exercise designed to ensure both the efficient management of the growing business as well as to address succession planning.

Mr. Anthony S Diacono is retaining the chairmanship of the Medserv group and will also become the Group Chief Executive Officer. Mr Anthony J Duncan is remaining an executive director and in addition to his current responsibility as Finance Director he will also be responsible for Group Compliance.
Mr. Karl Bartolo, the current Chief Financial Officer, is being appointed Chief Executive Designate. The Company is planning for Mr. Bartolo to assume the Chief Executive position in three years’ time.
Mr. Godwin A. Borg is relinquishing his post as Chief Operating Officer. Mr Borg, as already announced, has been elected to the board of directors of the Company and signed a two-year consultancy agreement.
The post of Chief Operating Officer has been abolished. Three Regional Managers have been appointed to manage the three main areas of current and future business, the Mediterranean, the Middle East and the Caribbean.